Cayman 2022
For our anniversary my wife got me a dive trip. I’ve been diving before while on holiday and even taken trips to the Florida Keys. This was different experience: 20 dives in seven days. Barracuda, sharks, turtles, squid, great swim-throughs, Basslets, Balloonfish, Trumpetfish, Tiger Groupers and fantastic topography were all on display. Now I think I understand the attraction of a ‘dive’ vacation.
Cobalt Coast Dive Resort
The dive resort was quaint and very nice. Everyone was great and helpful. It was a pleasure getting to know the people, not only the other divers, but also the staff. which is second to none.
Cayman Island Diving
Like I said above, the topology was amazing, coral walls 40 and 50 high. Swim-throughs that were incredible. Some places were dimly lit and amazing blue, others the water was so clear the colors were vibrant.
A lot to see
This is just a short selection of pictures and videos of things we saw and I found interesting. Okay, really these are the things I was lucky enough to get a picture of :). There are more below and I’ve tried to group them. This is a starter. I hope you like what you see.
There are a lot more pictures and videos as you scroll down. Click on any to see them.
Fooling around
You may know that when you dive, you’re always supposed to have a dive buddy for safety. I was lucky enough to get teamed up with a great guy, Carl. Besides being an excellent diver, he was very helpful pointing things out, navigating swim-throughs, etc.
One of the things that a diver has to do before surfacing, once you reach 15′, is wait for 3 minutes. This gives your body extra time to release excess nitrogen that builds up in your system during the dive.
But, what do you do to entertain yourself during the safety stop. I have not mastered anything like this, but here’s Carl.
Swim Through
My dive buddy and guide was Carl. He is fantastic when it comes to knowing where to find these places. A few, as you can see, are very beautiful and wide open swim-throughs. Others were tighter having quite a few twists and turns. Getting in a around was breathtaking.
I’ve been in a swim throughs before but those didn’t really compare to these.
Doc Poulson, Oro Verde
I was able to dive three different wrecks. The Doc Poulson, Oro Verde and Kittwake. You’ll see more pictures of the Kittwake below.
The Kittiwake shipwreck, situated in a marine park, is settled in the waters off Seven Mile Beach. Until 1994, the Kittiwake ship was fully working and in service, then in 2011 it was sunk into Cayman waters to create an artificial reef. Today, the wreck has become home to numerous species of coral and fish.