We are gathered here...
Our vows
“We have gathered here today on this beautiful beach, to share in the joy as Lynn and Ken enter into the covenant of marriage. Marriage is a promise of hope that endures all things. Marriage therefore is not to be entered into lightly, for by God’s Word, we are commanded to hold it in honor at all times.”
This is how it began as Tony, our minister, began the ceremony. It was sunrise and yes we were on the beach. The sky was a beautiful purple and orange. As the sun began to rise and the sky turned blue, we began.
This was the first day of a new journey in our lives.

- Though I have many things, if I do not have love I have gained nothing.
- Love is patient and kind,
- Love trusts, and is modest and humble,
- Love is polite and cares for others,
- Love rejoices all that is true avoiding evil,
- Love always protects,
- Always trusts,
- Always hopes
- And always endures.
- Love never fails.
Family and Friends
This is Jen, one of our very good friends.
Even though it was a small wedding, there were a few people crazy enough to get up before sunrise to be with us. We really appreciated everyone coming out. They got up before sunrise, some driving an hour just to spend time with us.
Thank you all, you made it very special.
After the Wedding
Yep, we’re married.
Here we are after the sunrise wedding getting ready to leave for our honeymoon.
It was a great morning and we had a wonderful breakfast with friends. But with the bags packed we were off. Yes, if you’re wondering, our friends decorated our car for us, we thought that was very kind of them, and we will get even.