How we met
from the heart
The normal question in many relationships is “So… how did you two meet?” As always, there are details and introductions. The first time we met was in a mall bookstore. She was near the front when I came in, she spoke first asking about a book.
We talked for a few minutes, chit-chatted, then decided to take a stroll around the mall. We never spoke of anything grand or earth shaking. Actually, it was more just getting to know each other. We went into a toy store and made fun of all the toys. I walked backwards so I could look at her while we talked. She came to realize that I had not really grown up and probably never would. I came to realize that I liked her smile and she had a good sense of humor, but that was only the start.
Later we went to dinner and of course stayed late. We were even able to get to know the wait staff. We weren’t the last ones to leave but there wasn’t many left.
It wasn’t until after a trip together that we really got to know each other. We found this small lovely little hotel in the Appalachian Mountains. There was a pool and hot tub just before a drop off. It overlooked the valley with the sun setting behind us. It was there we agreed the world was a big place and we both wanted to see it. Neither of us felt we needed someone to complete us or somehow make us whole. We were both adults; both of us have seen and loved life; both of us could and are able to stand on our own two feet. Yet at the same time, we both agreed that if a special person was out there, avoiding it or running from it didn’t make sense.
While neither of us jumped into each other’s arms that day yelling of our undying affection, it was there in the mountains that I began to find how well we fit together. Our tastes, feelings and desires all seemed to be similar in many ways and complementary in others. We are different people; she likes her movies and I like mine. But we love to share them with each other.
As our relationship grew so did our love and our desire to share our lives with each other. We found something special in each other and realized it didn’t make sense running from it. So, we decided to embrace it instead. We decided to get married and spend our lives together making each other happy.
We married each other twice
yes, twice
We know this may come as a surprise to some but yes, it is true, we married each other twice. ‘How and why’ you ask? Would you believe a crazy sense of adventure? How about going for a record of how many times we could marry the same person, no… twice would not be enough to qualify us for that. But twice in the same month might.
Well the truth is… When we started talking about getting married, we had plenty of conversations regarding when and where. The big topic was not where to get married, but when. We considered running away together and telling everyone later, okay we didn’t really consider that, but it sounds romantic.
While discussing when to get married, which seemed more important at the time, other concerns were still looming. Concerns such as where to get married; where we are going to live which may change where we get married; whether our friends and families could make the trip; the expense, and where to spend our honeymoon.
Like most things there is always a bit of chaos before the answers begin to reveal themselves. We settled on issues such as where to live and decided Machu Picchu, Peru would be a wonderful honeymoon. Once these decisions were made it helped narrow down the dates for us. Now we had the workings of a plan, and like so many best laid plans here is where the juggling begins.
We chose a date, booked our honeymoon and told everyone to save that date. This is when we began to realize the dates we had chosen were not so convenient as we thought. Schools were starting for some, another was pregnant and nearly due, health issues for others. So, for a variety of reasons it appeared that most of our families were not able to attend on the dates we had chosen.
What to do… what to do… We had already booked the trip to Peru and changing our travel plans at this point was going to be costly. After much thought we decided to, you guessed it, get married in Peru at Machu Picchu. Problem solved? Not quite.
As all good stories have an epilogue this one does as well. While adding our wedding to the list of things to do in Peru we found that the ceremony would not be legal at home. So we were first married in our home state so it would be legal. This was a beautiful sunrise ceremony, hence the name of this web site.
Our second wedding ceremony was at the Sanctuary Lodge Hotel (where we stayed) just outside the ruins at Machu Picchu, Peru and was performed by an Andean Shaman. It too was a lovely ceremony with a gorgeous backdrop of the Andean Mountains.